08 June 2005

Lots of chocolate for me to eat

That's what I call wishful thinking!

I want lots of chocolate. Dark bittersweet chocolate.

But then reason takes over. Mind over matter, literally. There's way too much matter around (me) anyway!

This is the onset of withdrawal symptoms. Thanks to the custom of never returning an empty container, a dear neighbor filled it with lovely chocolates. As a test of will power, I've left them right there in the open. I SHALT NOT EAT CHOCOLATE.

Yes, I am serious about dumping some excess 'matter'. (Tina, watch out! I will fit into that orange dress again)

Now I understand what temptation is really all about.

The cheese in the fridge is for Aditi. So is the ice cream. And the custard.
The cheese in the fridge is for Aditi. So is the ice cream. And the custard.
The cheese in the fridge is for Aditi. So is the ice cream. And the custard.

Yes, I am writing lines. Writing lines is supposed to increase discipline. So says the master, PG Wodehouse, in all his school-based books. And if the great one says lines will help, then lines it is...

It worked! I didn't give in!!! *burp*

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